The 5 Basic Rules of Pickleball

Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It's a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, understanding the basic rules of pickleball is essential to enjoy the game fully. At Jacksonville Pickleball Store, we not only provide high-quality pickleball equipment but also share our passion for the sport by educating players about its rules and strategies.

In this blog post, we will discuss the five basic rules of pickleball that every player should know.

1. The Serve

The first rule in pickleball involves the serve. The server must serve from behind the baseline on one side of the court to the diagonal service box on the other side. The serve should be underhand with a paddle contact below waist level. Also, the ball must bounce once in each side's service court before volleys are allowed.

The server continues to serve until they commit a fault, which includes serving out of bounds or into the net. In pickleball doubles (the most common form), each team member serves before service changes to the opposing team.

2. Two-Bounce Rule

The two-bounce rule is another fundamental rule in pickleball. After the ball is served, it must bounce once on each side before players can volley (hit it without letting it bounce). This means that after serving, you must let your opponent's return shot bounce before hitting it back.

This rule encourages extended rallies and reduces smash shots' advantage right off the serve as seen in tennis or badminton.

3. Non-Volley Zone or Kitchen Rules

The non-volley zone (NVZ), often referred to as "the kitchen," is an area 7 feet from either side of the net. Players cannot volley the ball (hit it without letting it bounce) while standing in this zone. If a player steps into the kitchen to volley a ball, it results in a fault.

However, players can enter the kitchen to play balls that have bounced within this zone. Once the ball is hit, they must exit the kitchen before playing another shot.

4. Scoring System

Pickleball uses a unique scoring system. Only the serving team can score points. The game is typically played to 11 points, but games can also be played to 15 or 21 points. However, you must win by at least two points.

In doubles, both players on a team serve before service switches to the other team. The first server of each new game only gets one serving opportunity before their partner serves.

5. Faults

A fault in pickleball results in loss of serve or point for the offending team. Common faults include hitting the ball out of bounds, failing to clear the net, volleying from within the NVZ (kitchen), violating two-bounce rule and serving improperly.

Practice Makes Perfect

Understanding these five basic rules will help you get started with pickleball and enjoy your time on the court more fully. However, like any sport, practice makes perfect! The more you play and familiarize yourself with these rules in real-game situations, the better you'll become.

At Jacksonville Pickleball Store, we're not just about selling equipment; we're passionate about growing this fantastic sport and helping players improve their game. Whether you need advice on choosing your first paddle or tips on improving your serve technique, our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always here to help.

So why wait? Grab your paddle and join us for a game at Jacksonville Pickleball Store today!


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