Everything to Know About Pickleball Tournaments

Do you want to put your pickleball skills to the test? Pickleball tournaments are a great way to compete against your fellow players and see how you match up. But how do you find tournaments or know what tournament level you should compete in? Jax Pickleball Store is bringing you everything to know about pickleball tournaments.

Format of Pickleball Tournaments

Pickleball tournaments usually occur in two formats, the Double Round Elimination and Round Robin. Double Round tournaments have teams competing against each other. The winners and losers go to different brackets, where they continue to play against competitors until the gold is reached. Winning teams must win the best 2 out of 3 games while losing teams need to just win one game for 15 points. Most large tournaments use this format.

Round Robin tournaments involve multiple teams competing against one another. You will play against every team in the tournament, even if you lost a previous match. Whichever team has the best record wins the gold. Jax Pickleball Store owner Andy recommends pickleball players who are above the skill level of their peers to play in Round Robin tournaments, as you are guaranteed more games, as opposed to if you lose in the first bracket of a Double Round Elimination.

How Can I Find Tournaments?

Pickleball players can find tournaments around the world using two websites, Pickleballtournaments.com and Pickleballbrackets.com. You’ll be able to see what tournaments are available near you and register to play. These are great options if you want to compete against people of a similar skill level.

It should be noted that almost all pickleball tournaments are skill and age-graded, so be sure you choose ones with players of a similar age or skill level. If you don’t know your skill level, it’s important to self-rate before participating in tournaments. There are tools online to help determine your rank and levels, and you can also ask those skilled in tournament play.

If Playing In a Tournament

If you’re going to compete in a tournament, Jax Pickleball Store recommends you prepare yourself for a long day. Bring extra shirts, shoes, and towels to the tournament, and have enough liquids to stay hydrated. We also suggest you have an extra paddle in case something happens. Depending on how the tournament pans out, you could be competing for a long time.

Pickleball tournaments are not for everyone. A more intense version of pickleball, be sure to join a tournament only if you thrive on competition and want to get your competitive juices flowing. If you want to get in on the action, drop by Jax Pickleball Store to upgrade your equipment before the big day. With our help, you’ll be ready to take on any competition!


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